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COVID-19: Facing the Challenge Together – Help & Thanks

Reid and Riege, P.C. understands the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and we are trying to focus on ways to help. The firm is assisting clients interested in providing support, including facilitating client donations to the nonprofit organizations of their choosing. We also are encouraging our staff to help wherever and whenever possible. This includes taking advantage of the firm’s matching gift program, volunteering, donating blood, and supporting small or local businesses. In that spirit, the Reid and Riege Foundation has accelerated and increased its annual grant program for area organizations that support homelessness and housing. We encourage you to consider doing the same.

Reid and Riege acknowledges and applauds the efforts of all our clients and friends who are contributing, including:
  • Allied Printing Services, Inc. developed a way to utilize their machinery and inventory supplies to manufacture and distribute personal protective equipment (PPE) to donate to local hospitals and first responders. Allied also will be developing educational workbooks for Connecticut Children’s Medical Center and others. You can read more about their efforts here and here.
  • Atlas Commercial Products, LLC took PPE masks that they had and shipped them from California to nurses in Connecticut who were facing a shortage of appropriate safety gear.
  • The Girl Scouts of Connecticut had to suspend their typical cookie sales this year. They adapted and put sales online, while also turning it into an opportunity to use their “Cookies for Heroes” program. The program allows you to purchase cookies online and donate them to local hospitals and other centers offering community healthcare services in Connecticut, where they will be safely distributed to staff working on the frontlines. Reid and Riege was able to participate in “Cookies for Heroes” to help the Girl Scouts and provide a quick snack for those working hard to help everyone in the state.
  • Mercy Housing & Shelter has suspended its cooking for the soup kitchen at The Friendship Center at St. Elizabeth House due to COVID-19. In its place Mercy is accepting food donations to pass out during soup kitchen hours. Donations can include individually wrapped items such as sandwiches, cookies, and hard boiled eggs. Reid and Riege has been a proud supporter of Mercy since the organization was founded in 1983. We have had a consistent presence on Mercy’s Board of Trustees and have provided a hot breakfast for Mercy’s soup kitchen clients on a regular monthly basis for more than 20 years. Though we needed to adapt the style of our giving, Reid and Riege employees and their families have provided more than 400 meals for Mercy’s soup kitchen clients during our first two months of participation during COVID-19.
We sincerely thank our frontline workers and those who are making a difference. We are all in this together.